Monday, February 4, 2013

Fasching in Wolframs Eschenbach

Fasching: "pre-Lenten festivities celebrated in grand style in mostly the predominantly Catholic regions of the German-speaking countries"

What this definition doesn't explain is the "grand style" in which fasching is presented. The most common way is through the parades celebrated throughout Germany in the week leading up to Ash Wednesday. There are also dance clubs and other celebrations for the kids. In the celebrations, people are dressed up in random costumes very similar to Halloween. There are a lot of floats that have to do with taking stabs at politics, people, and politicians. There is also candy handed out like normal parades... and copious amounts of alcohol.

Sunshine and I were invited to Jenn's (one of the 4th grade teachers at my school) house in the small town of Wolframs Eschenbach for the day to go to the parade with her kids and friends.

So we went to the main parade area and bought gluvine (warm wine that comes in red or white) to stay warm and lined the streets with the rest of the onlookers.

The 1 euro pass that we needed to buy in order to partake in the parade

 Balloons decorated the houses around the parade routes 

 People gathering around the street 

 The truck starting off the parade 

 The kindergarten class dressed up as Cowboys and Indians 

 They have a band too! 

 Girls dressed up in traditional German outfits 

 Tractors too!

 Handing out reusable bags
 And plants.... ? 

 More traditional outfits 

 "lord, let rain 'money! Our rooster wants back on the church spire" 

 More crazy costumes--witches handing out candy
 And shots of sweet wine

 A group of people as a music staff 

Very interesting drawings 

 Arabs and Mexicans 

 "It's just orange juice" Mmhmm sure... 

 The back of the float with their alcohol stash 

 Even people IN the parade are drinking 

 Float handing out cups of beer 

 I don't even know... 

 Corrupt doctors 

 Really creepy guys dressed up carrying whips that they would swing around the center to make cracking noises to scare all of the children and the adults. 

 More creepy guys. The one in the back with the broom came up to me, turned me around, and spanked me with it!!! 
 And to add to the creepiness.. clowns
 With a keg of beer that they were passing out 
 And drinking... 

 A common chant shouted throughout the fasching parades is "Halo!" This guy would say something in German like "if you agree to this or if you think this, then shout HALO!" and everyone would respond with HALO and an arm wave. I have no idea what I agreed to! Haha 

 This group was the party-techno group dancing and drinking on their float 

 This group wasn't creepy at all, but nice and friendly and they handed out candy! 

 This is one of my favorite pictures from the day! 

 More traditional dancers 

This group thrust candy down onto the crowd and practically made it rain! 

When the parade was done, it circled back and went through again handing out the remaining candy and alcohol. We went back to Jenn's house for dinner, chatting, and Wii Just Dance! It was a very fun time and we are looking to go to Nuremberg or Frankfurt this upcoming weekend to participate in a bigger city parade. 

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